Meet WE at the Post-Pandemic Office


WE Communications Singapore’s office is designed to reconnect and make an impact

The creative folks at the global communications and integrated marketing agency believe their best work can be done anywhere - whether you're having tea in a cozy cafe booth or on a lounger with ocean views - and their new office provides all these options in one place!

Post-pandemic, the firm wanted to make a bold statement with an innovative workplace that celebrates work-life balance and drives face-to-face connections. Conexus Studio took the brand's mandate to heart, pushing the boundaries to create a high-performing office that brings their culture and values to life, in an inspiring space that suits a new era of work.

Check out the video below to see the office in action during its opening celebrations! A hearty congratulations and thank you to WE Communications Singapore and WATATAWA for partnering with Conexus Studio for the design and build of your new office. We wish you every success and joy in this new space!